London & Middlesex
Historical Society
Society Publications in Print
Unless otherwise noted, all this material is available at the London Room at the Central Branch of the London Public Library, London, Ontario. Copies of some of the Serials and Monographs are still available for sale through he Society. Print copies of the Historian after 2013 are produced for members and small number of extra copies.
A. Serials
Part I (1908)
Campbell, Cl. T. “The Founding of London,” 12-28
Carling, Sir John “The Pioneers of Middlesex,” 29-35
Part II (1909)
Priddis, Harriett “The Naming of London Streets,” 7-30
Gilkinson, Augusta J.G. “The Great Western Railway,” 31-44
Morrison, Rev. John “The Caradoc Academy,” 45-52
Part III (1911)
Campbell, Cl. T. “The Settlement of London,” 9-51
Cronyn, Verschoyle “The First Bishop of Huron,” 53-62
Part IV (1913)
Poole, J.I. “The Fight at Battle Hill,” 7-61
Priddis, Harriett “Reminiscences of Mrs. Gilbert Porte,” 62-69
Evans, Mrs. “The Mackenzies of Hyde Park,” 70-75
Part V (1914)
Campbell, Cl. T. “Robert Wilson, The Pioneer Teacher,” 6-13
Edwards, C.B. “London Public Schools, 1848-1871,” 14-29
McCutcheon, F.W.C. “The London Grammar School and the Collegiate Institute,” 30-40
James, N.C. “The Western University,” 41-47
Part VI (1915)
Priddis, Harriet (ed.) “The Proudfoot Papers – Part I,” 5-89
Part VII (1916)
Talbot, Freeman “The Fathers of London Township,” 5-14
Hughes, Hon. D.J. “Bench and Bar in the Early Days,” 17-32
Cameron, D.M. “Gleanings from the Sheriff’s Records,” 35-46
Campbell, Cl. T. “Pioneer Politicians,” 49-62
“The Wreck of the Victoria,” 63-64
Part VIII (1917)
“Governor Simcoe’s Tour Through Southern Ontario,” 5-18
Priddis, Harriet (ed.) “The Proudfoot Papers – Part II,” 20-33
Campbell, D.J. “The Settlers of Lobo Township,” 36-44
Zavitz, Edgar M. “The Society of Friends of Lobo Township,” 47-52
Part IX (1918)
Campbell, Cl. T. “The Village of London,” 5-25
Elliot, Judge William “Reminiscences,” 26-29
Landon, Fred “The History of the Wilberforce Refugee Colony in Middlesex County,” 30-44
“London’s Honor Roll in the Great War,” 45-47
Part X (1919)
Gorman, Major Henry “The 100th Prince of Wales Royal Canadian Regiment,” 5-15
Cameron, D.M. “The Fourth Middlesex Militia Regiment,” 16-24
Landon, Fred “Fugitive Slaves in London before 1860,” 25-37
Glass, S. Frank “Biographical Sketch of the Life and Ties of Hon. David Glass,” 39-44
Cox, Rev. G.M. “Recollections of a London Military School,” 45-49
Part XI (1922)
Priddis, Harriet and Fred Landon “The Proudfoot Papers – Part III,” 5-96
Part XII (1927)
Landon, Fred “The Exiles of 1838 from Canada to Van Diemen’s Land,” 5-20
Talman, James J. “The Reverend Richard Flood—Indian Missionary and Rector of Delaware 1834-65,” 21-25
Landon, Fred “Some Early Newspapers and Newspaper Men of London,” 26-34
Cuddy, Sutherland “Strathroy, 1832-1925,” 35-48
Part XIII (1929)
Garland, Rev. M.A. “Some Frontier and American Influences in Upper Canada prior to 1837,” 5-33
Maine, S. F. “The Early Methodist Episcopal Church in Ontario,” 34-47
Talman, James J. “Early Immigration to Adelaide Township in Middlesex County,” 48-54
Part XIV (1930)
Parker, Harry E. “Early Presbyterianism in Western Ontario, 10-79
Parker, Harry E. (ed.) “Diary of William Fraser, August, 1834-July, 1835, 80-156
Part XV (1937)
Seaborn, Dr. Edwin “Dr. Elam Stimson,” 5-9
Stimson, Dr. Elam “The Cholera Beacon,” 10-36
Part XVI Centennial Review 1967
Campbell, C.T. “The Founding of London,” 4-19
Carling, Sir John “The Pioneers of Middlesex,” 21-27
Priddis, Harriett, “Naming of London Streets,” 29-53
Bartram, G.W.H. “Charles Hunt 1820-1871,” 55-84
Illustrations, 20, 28, 54, 85
Miller, W.C. “Mahlon Burwell – Deputy Surveyor,” 86-108
Higgins, John C. “The Story of Richard Shenick and the Rebellion of 1837,” 109-119
“Publications of the London & Middlesex Historical Society 1902-1937,” 120-121
“Officers and Members [1901-1908],” 122-124
“Meetings [1901-1966 with Officers 1942-1966],” 125-152
Historian (formerly the London and Middlesex Historical Society Transactions)
Vol. 17 (1990)
Gibb, Alice “The Labatt Snatch,” 3-13
Brock, Daniel J. “The Shaping of Middlesex,” 14-26
Armstrong, Frederick H. (ed.) “Thomas Kent’s Recollections of Early London,” 27-33
“People from London’s Past,” 34-37
“The Adelaide /Metcalfe Birthplace of Edward Blake,” 38-39
“Peter Butler: A Pioneer of Biddulph,” 40
Vol. 18 (1991)
Mombourquette, John “The ‘Battle’ of Carling’s Farm: Politics and the London, Ontario Infantry School,” 5-17
Cameron, Wendy “Petworth Emigrants in Adelaide Township: The Cost of Assisted Emigration in 1832,” 18-31
Gibb, Alice “Peter McArthur: The Sage of Ekfrid,” 32-41
Hitchins, William E. “In Search of the Ghost of Eldon House,” 49-53
“The Oxbow in Gibbons Park,” 49-53
“Ilderton’s 1903 Conflagration,” 54-57
“The Komoka Train Fire of 1874,” 58-60
Vol. 19 (1992)
Sheik, Joe “A Return to Battle Hill: Re-Interpreting the Battle of the Longwoods,” 5-22
Spencer, David R. “London’s Forgotten Visionary: The Life and Times of Joseph T. Marks, 23-33
Armstrong, Frederick H. “The Goodhue Estate Controversy,” 34-42
Pope, Agnes/Rosemary Norris (ed.) “The Old War Horse: Simon McLeod of Parkhill,” 43-47
“Glencoe’s Calithumpian Parade of 1908,” 48-53
“The C.N.R. Maintenance of Way Picnic, 1925,” 54-55
“Our New Heraldic Shield,” 56
Vol. 20 (1993)
Parmenter, Jon W. “Treason in the London District During the War of 1812,” 5-26
Tovey, Mark “The First Stage: The Officers of the London Garrison and the Theatre Royal,” 27-44
Mombourquette, John “The Fenians are Coming! London and the Invasion Scares of 1865-1866,” 45-65
Sydere, Arthur H./Frederick H. Armstrong (ed.) “Recollections of London, 1854-1867,” 66-74
“Profiles from the Past,” 75-78
“The Oldest Londoner,” 79-81
“The Royal Visit of 1939,” 82-87
Vol. 21 Canada Remembers 1945 – 1995 (1995)
McNorgan, Michael “Carnage in Normandy: London’s First Hussars at Le Mesnil-Patry, 9-21
Morden, Pat “Winning the War, But Losing the Battle: London Women in World War Two,” 22-28
Gibb, Alice “Humour Under Fire: Merle Tingley,” 29-39
Baker, Michael “Put Victory First: London and Sixth Victory Loan Campaign,” 40-45
Maltman, Grant M. “’Sir Frederick, It Is Your Duty To Do So’,” 46-49
“’On With The Show’: The London Life Troupers,” 50-52
Baker, Michael and John Mombourquette “Teaching the Homefront: A Joint LRAHM – LMHS Education Project”, 53. This relates to Discovery Envelope Number One (1995) The Homefront London, Ontario and World War II. See below.
Baker, Michael and John Mombourquette “The Canada Remembers LRAHM Exhibit London At War: 1939-1945,” 54-65
Vol. 22 (2013)
Simner, Marvin L. “The Unfolding Story of One Old South Neighbourhood,” 2-8
McEwen, Catherine B. “Our Big Toboggan Slides,” 9-17
Curnoe, Glen “Grave Concerns: An Examination of Brick Street Cemetery,” 18-29
Simner, Marvin L. “A Revised Account of Simcoe’s Exploration of the Forks,” 30-34
Vol. 23 (2014)
Brock, Dan "The Pioneer Phase of Automobiles in London", 6-21
Ruppe, Helga "The Sulphur Springs Bathhouse: the Early Days and the Charles Dunnett Years", 22-36
Simner, Marvin L. “A Brief History of the Temperance Movement in London and the Surrounding Area” , 37-61
Aitken, John "Postcard Series: Views of the Thames", 62-83
Vol. 24 (2015)
Wittmann, Tara "The Servant Question: Exploring the two Worlds of Eldon House", 10-20
Simner, Marvin L. "The London Waterworks Controversy; The Great Debate of 1875-1877", 21-38
Lisowski, John "The Ku Klux Klan in London, Ontario", 39-51
Vol. 25 (2016)
Simner, Marvin L. "London's First Summer Resort", 5-24
Brock, Dan "Women Drivers in Pre-World War I London", 26-38
McEwen, Catherine B. "When Springbank Park Had a Zoo", 39-61
Rice, Mike "London's Subways", 62-77
Historical Calendars
1998 – 100 Years Ago Today! London 1898 in a 1998 Calendar
1999 – 100 Years Ago Today London 1899
2000 – 100 Years Ago Today London 1900
2001 – 100 Years Ago Today London & Area 1901
2002 – Events of 100 Years Ago [1902]
2003 – Events of 100 Years Ago [1903]
2004 – Events of 100 Years Ago [1904]
B. Monographs
St. Denis, Guy (ed.) Simcoe’s Choice: Celebrating London’s Bicentennial 1793 – 1993 (1992) The London & Middlesex Historical Society provided the editor, contributors and New Horizons volunteers for the book which was published by Dundurn Press. 280 pp. Articles within the volume are:
Mombourquette, John “London Postponed: John Graves Simcoe and His Capital in the Wilderness,” 1-30
Whebell, C.F.J. “The London Strategem: From Concept to Consummation, 1791-1855,” 31-66
Read, Colin “Rebellion Days in and about London,” 67-92
De Pencier, Honor “Early Views of London: Dartnell and His Contemporaries,” 93-115
Brock, Daniel J. “’Half of London in Ruin!’: London’s Great Fires of 1844 and 1845,” 116-136
Tausky, Nancy Zwart “Memorials in Paper and Stone: Records of the Robert Flint Family,” 137-166
Reaney, James “’Whiskey in a Tin Cup!’” 167-174
Armstrong, Frederick H. “Obscenity in Victorian London: The Lotto Davene Poster Trial,” 175-192
Spencer, David R. “Broken Dreams: Adam Beck, Hydro, and the Radial Railway Controversy 1910- 1922,” 193-214
Gibb, Alice “Death or Glory: The 1927 London-to-London Flight,” 215-231
Cook, Kevin J. “London’s Inadvertent Triumph: The Margison Report, 1958-1972,” 232-248
Pleva, Edward G. “Planning in the London Area: An Overview,” 249-255
Desbarats, Peter “The Future of London’s Past,” 256-267
Farrell, Wilfred The History of the London & Middlesex Historical Society (1992), 174 pp.
Discovery Envelope Number One (1995) The Homefront London, Ontario and World War II (21 reproductions of original documents) (A joint publication with the London Regional Art and Historical Museums)
McEwen, Catherine B. (ed.) The Carty Chronicles of LANDMARKS and LONDONERS (2005), 128 pp.
Brock, Daniel J. (Catherine B. McEwen, ed.) Fragments from the Forks: London Ontario’s Legacy (2011), 488 pp. + foldout map
Simner, Marvin L. The Heart of Wortley Village: From Crown Land to Urban Community (2012) 32 pp.
Brown, Vanessa. The Grand Old Lady: A History of Hotel London (2015) 383 pp.
Simner, Marvin L. End of the Great War in 1918 and its Impact on London, Ontario: Prelude, Celebrations and Aftermath (2018) 56 pp.
C. Newsletter Articles
Autumn 1992
The Brick Street Cemetery
Commemoration of Canada 125, by Susan Wodlinger
Grosvenor Lodge
Fall 1993
Derek Newton 1920-1993
The Oakland Cemetery Saga, by Barry C. Wells
Winter 1994
On the Death of Orlo Miller by Herman Goodden
Orlo Miller Anthology-LMHS by Dan Brock
LACAC 1993 Update, Rosemary Norris
Oakland Cemetery Update
London into the Next Century Conference
Spring 1994
History of the Old Town Cemetery by Charles Addington [This was on the present site of the present site of the London Regional Art and Historical Museums (LRAHM).]
Oakland Cemetery Renovation
Heritage Recipes from London, Ontario, by Susan Wodlinger
Summer/Fall 1994
Bill Hitchins
Market Memories by Genet Hodder
Heritage Recipes from London, Ontario, by Susan Wodlinger
September 1997
A Success Story!, by Alastair Neely, 1. [The celebration of Canada Day at the Middlesex County Administration Building (the Old Court House)]
May 1998
LMHS in Harmony with Guy Lombardo
Notes by Deb Rogers
August 1998
100 Years Later… by Deb Rogers
December 1998
Notes from the President by Deb Rogers
March 2009
The Guy Lombardo We Never Knew by Dan Brock and John Lisowski
May 2009
Paul Peel’s ‘Girl and Kittens’ by Catherine McEwen
November 2010
LMHS/ACO Joint Trip to Ancaster by Arthur McClelland
March 2011
A Spooky Evening with the Paranormal Knights… by Alice Gibb
January 2012
Blackfriars” by Dan Brock
March 2012
London’s Tobogganing Craze, by Catherine McEwen
May 2012
Trapped Men Rescued From Cave-In, by Dan Brock
August 2012
“Diamond Jim” Baxter: Another Tenuous London Connection with the Titanic, by Arthur McClelland
Copp’s Buildall Deeply Rooted in Present-Day London, by Dan Brock
Fall 2012
Antique shop closes, yet memories remain, by Roxanne Lutz
An Urban Myth? The Pool at Lord Roberts Public School, by Dan Brock
Winter 2013
I Had A Dream: The Collecting and Microfilming of London’s Early Newspapers, by Dan Brock
Lest We Forget Bostwick Cemetery, by Catherine McEwen
Spring 2013
Fording and Footbridges: Crossing the Thames in the Vicinity of St. Julien Park in the First Decades of the Twentieth Century, by Dan Brock & Stephen Harding
Summer 2013
Dating a Photo, Identifying the Location, and Fleshing Out the Story on the Southeast Corner of Adelaide Street and Hamilton Road, by Dan Brock
Fall 2013
Attempts to Link London to Metropolitan Centres by Water in the 1830s, by Dan Brock
Winter 2014
Peter Johnson’s Last Days in Ireland, by Catherine McEwen
Gunsmiths of Nineteenth-Century London, by Dan Brock
Spring 2014
A Tobogganing Post Script, by Catherine McEwen
The “Horseless Carriage” Arrives in London, by Dan Brock
Summer 2014
London’s First Suburb: George Jervis Goodhue’s Addition to the Town Plot of London, by Dan Brock
The Legend of Hell’s Gates, by Joe O’Neil
An Interview with Robert Thomas, 1942
Autumn 2014
Follow-up to “An Interview with Robert Thomas, 1942”
Western Archives Spotlight, by Theresa Regnier
The Great Bear Hunt, by Dan Brock
Winter 2015
Francis G. Westlake, Photographer, by Dan Brock
The African choir, articles contributed by Douglas Flood
Spring 2015
Alan Freed's The Big Beat Comes to London, by Dan Brock
Summer 2015
An Amazing Feat: John Smyth's Story, by Dan Brock
London & Middlesex Historical Society Buys Lucan Landmark for $1, by Alice Gibb
Autumn 2015
From Footsteps to the 401: A History of London Transportation in Quotations, Part I, articles contributed by Jennifer Grainger
Winter 2016
From Footsteps to the 401: A History of London Transportation in Quotations, Part II, articles contributed by Jennifer Grainger
Spring 2016
New Light Shed on “The Victoria Day Disaster”, by Dan Brock, Ken McTaggart and Alan Noon
Darch & Hunter Seeds, by Colin Duck and Cindy Hartman
Summer 2016
In Search of Annie: The Forgotten Saunders, by Dan Brock
Autumn 2016
Hidden History of Hamilton Road: Graham Hotel, by Cindy Hartman
New Bells for St. Peter's Seminary, by Colin Duck
Letter, 143 Years Old, Found in the Wall of a House on Van Street in London, by Dan Brock and Colin Duck
A Trip Around our Neighbourhood Paper Route, by Glen Curnoe
Winter 2017
Fate of Simcoe Street War Memorial Undecided, by Alice Gibb
Ku Klux Clan Gathered At Dorchester Fairgrounds, by Alice Gibb
Preserving Heritage through Conservation of Paper Artifacts, by Jennifer Robertson
A Trip Around our Neighbourhood Paper Route Part II, by Glen Curnoe
Dundas Street, East of Talbot, In 1867, by Dan Brock
Spring 2017
Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame Updates, by Stephen Harding
Historic Gore Cemetery is Chained & Locked, by Stephen Harding
London Mayor Strong Proponent of Diversity, by Alice Gibb
SoHo History Column featuring Ossie Davis & Ruby Dee, by Alice Gibb
London on the Eve of Confederation, by Dan Brock
Rectory Street School, by Cindy Hartman
Summer 2017
Canadian Baseball History Symposium, by Stephen Harding
Gleanings From The Gore, by Stephen Harding
Industrial Archaeology in OEV, by Stephen Harding
London Majors Alumni Reunion, by Stephen Harding
McGillivray Township History Book in High Demand, by Ron Walker
Nissouri Nudger Published From Crossroads Country Store, by Alice Gibb
No Centennial Celebrations at Woodfield in 1967, by Catherine McEwen
Vintage London Coal Yards, by Cindy Hartman
The Notebook: a tantalizing tale from St. Joseph's earliest days, by Noelle Tangredi
Rev. Thomas Boyd's Boyhood Memories, 60 Years Later, of London at the Time of Confederation, by Dan Brock
Autumn 2017
Marshall Bros. Tea Co. Resurrected, by Dorothy Palmer
Vintage London East. 1887: The Western Fair Moves to Queen's Park, by Cindy Hartman
The Custom House: An iconic building in London, by Colin Duck
The Dam Dam, by Glen Curnoe
Practical Jokes in the Nineteenth Century Inspired by Goodspeeds' History of the County of Middlesex, by Dan Brock
There was no Winter 2018 newsletter.
Spring 2018
Ty Cobb Makes History at Tecumseh Park, by Stephen Harding
Intercounty Baseball League Celebrates 100th Anniversary, by Stephen Harding
Milestones for Middlesex Centre Archives, by Carolynn Bart-Riedstra, Archivist
First London-‐to-‐London Transatlantic Telephone Call, by Cindy Hartman
Belmont aerial photo, by Mike Rice
East London Manufacturing District, by Cindy Hartman
Big Crowds See Circus at the Grand April 1918, by Colin Duck
Fatal Explosion at Wolseley Barracks, by Colin Duck
An Anomaly in London?, Jane Hughes and Marvin Recker
“Woman-Power” Debuts in London Munitions Factory, by Alice Gibb
Universalism in Middlesex County, by Dan Brock
Summer 2018
The London and Middlesex Historical Society Celebrates Canada's Centennial, by Arthur McClelland
Early Female Western Graduate Awarded Honorary Degree, by Alice Gibb
Elevated GTR Line West of Wharncliffe Road, by Cindy Hartman
Who Painted the Royal Coat of Arms in the Middlesex County Council Chamber? by Dan Brock
Fall 2018
The Spanish Flu in London Ontario during October 1918, by Cindy Hartman
Iconic Longwoods Home, "Grape Shade", Demolished, by Jane Hughes
The beginnings of Zellers Department Stores in London, 1928, by Colin Duck
"All in the Family”: An Account of Some of the Members of the Odell Family, by Dan Brock
Winter 2019
The Fugitive Slave Chapel Preservation Project is back on track, by Genet Hodder
Thorndale Spy Arrived and Departed in Record Time, by Alice Gibb
A Visual History of 1120 Dundas Street, London, by Cindy Hartman
Maltese Canadian Associations/Clubs in the London Area: A Brief Sketch, by Dan Brock
Spring 2019
Lucan Native Dies Mysteriously on Remote Devil’s Hole Island, by Alice Gibb
Has this Unidentified Building been Identified? by Cindy Hartman
St. Angela’s Academy/College & School of Music for Girls, by Colin Duck
The Location of Lieutenant Governor Simcoe's Proposed Capital for Upper Canada, by Dan Brock
Bishop Crinnon Photograph Album Seeking Identifications, by Dominy Williams, Director of Library & Archives, Bishop Farrell Library & Archives
Summer 2019
Canoeing Down the Thames in 1947, by Alice Gibb
London's Foregotten Railway Station, by Mike Rice
Major Thomas Beattie, by Cindy Hartman
Out Migration from London and Middlesex in the Nineteenth Century: How Does One Begin to Research This?, by Dan Brock
Fall 2019
Richmond Street Bridge, by Mike Rice
Research Tools For Local Historians, by Cindy Hartman
Who Had the Greatest Effect on London and Middlesex Prior to 1901? by Dan Brock
"London's Very Own First Automobile Delights Passengers, contributed by Glen Curnoe
Winter 2020
Lost History: The Royal Exchange Building, by Cindy Hartman
Rattlesnake Bite Shocks Southwest Middlesex Community, by Alice Gibb
Egerton Street Baptist Church, by Arthur McClelland
Prof. Pasquale Venuta, Stepping Out From Behind Guy Lombardo's Shadow, by Dan Brock
Spring 2020
The Royal Visit of the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York to London, Ontario on October 12, 1901, by Cindy Hartman
Elsie Perrin Williams Memorial Library used as a model for buildings all across the continent, by Colin Duck
Recollections, by Douglas Hogg
Gleanings from the Gore, by Stephen Harding
Looking Back at Pandemics and Epidemics to have struck Londoners, by Dan Brock
Summer 2020
A Sister of St. Joseph and Her Pioneering Work with Alcoholics in London, by Mary Kosta
Memories of the 1937 Flood, April 26, 1937, by Roy Kerr (Contributed by Alice Gibb)
Gleanings From The Gore by Stephen Harding
Appendix to Carved in Stone by W. Glen Curnoe and Catherine B. McEwen, London & Middlesex Historian, Volume 27, 2019, by Glen Curnoe
Skinny Dipping in the Thames River: In Search of the Identity of "A Young Man with Only a Shirt On", by Dan Brock
Fall 2020
Gleanings from the Gore, by Stephen Harding
Byron's Forgotten McMillen Cemetery, by Catherine B. McEwen
New History Looks at the Year that Created Modern Canada, by Alice Gibb
Conservation of The Parent Trap 1961 Film Poster at the former Capitol Theatre, by Jennifer Rober
John Garvey and The London Echo, by Dan Brock
Spring 2021
A Disastrous Fire on Dundas Street November 3, 1911, by Colin Duck
Greg Curnoe Childhood Home Heritage Designation, by Lorraine Tinsley
Michael Benson, A Deserter, by Dan Brock
It's a London toy, by Cindy Hartman
Harriet Boomer, by Arthur McClelland
Summer 2021
An Update Regarding "Grave Concerns", by Glen Curnoe
The Automobile Age Strikes London, Tourist Accommodations Along Dundas Street East of Highbury Avenue, by Arthur McClelland
An Early Geography Lesson, by Catherine B. McEwen
1881 Architectural Remains of the Masonic Temple and Grand Opera House, by Cindy Hartman
Celebrated Turtle Hunter Scours Arva Pond, by Alice Gibb
Esther Forsyth Arscott Barnes, London's Most Successful Madam: Family Fragments, by Dan Brock
Fall 2021
An Update: "The Dying Confession of Cornelius Burley", by Dan Brock
Duffield Block 1871-2021, by Arthur McClelland
Vintage London Snippets of History, by Colin Duck
"London Six" Canada's Quality Car: One Hundred Years Ago 1921, by Cindy Hartman
Winter 2021
An Update on the Fugitive Slave Chapel Project, by Genet Hodder
Rules and Regulations for the London District Gaol, by Dan Brock
Colonel Talbot's Ancestral Home as an Irish Attraction, by Alice Gibb
A Head's Up: New Calendar and Book, Fairholme, by Alice Gibb
Spring 2022
Memoriams - Remembered, by Alice Gibb
Former Emco building gets a new life, by Hayden Bulbrook
Victoria Disaster, by Glen Curnoe
Grandma and The Prince of Wales, by Catharine B. McEwen
Klu Klux Klan held meeting at Dorchester Fairgrounds, by Alice Gibb
Presidents of The London & Middlesex Historical Society, by Dan Brock
Daniel Simmons Perrin (1833-1908) and his family, by Arthur McClelland
London’s first bank robbery and more, by Dan Brock
Summer 2022
Trying to Explain the Behavior of Really Bad People by Dale Munro
Victoria Disaster by Glen Curnoe
A Photo History of the ‘Holy Roller’ in London Ontario, by Cindy Hartman and Mike Rice
An Attempt to Solve the Mystery of a Painting in the McIntosh Gallery Collection at Western University by Dan Brock
Fall 2022
Alexander Gauld by Paul Prince
Catherine Gardner, by Glen Curnoe
Mount Elgin Residential School History Recalled, by Alice Gibb
Shedding Light on Three Letters to Eliza (Bailie) Hannaford, by Dan Brock
Brescia University College and St. Peter’s Seminary: Two Bookends”, by Fr. Michael Prieur S.T.D.
London Women’s History Project and the Famous Five Troupe, by Jean Hewitt
Winter 2022
A Fascinating Donnelly Publication and Presentation, by Dale Munro
The Recent Slave Chapel Move, by Glen Curnoe
Birds Eye View of Brigade Camp Kensington, London, Ontario Sept. 8, 1874, Sketched and Drawn, by P.A. Gross, by Cindy Hartman
The Library Book Plate, by Glen Curnoe
Trains Trapped, by Snowstorms around Southwestern Ontario, by Alice Gibb
Shrouded In Myth, the Arrival of the First Train in London, by Dan Brock & Gerry Nichols
(Attachment) A Follow Up on “The Crucifixion Tableau”, by Fr. M. Prieur STD
Spring 2023
A Settler’s Roots: Beechwood Is No More, by Ailie Cleghorn
Fugitive Slave Chapel Relocated to Fanshawe Pioneer Village, by Dawn Miskelly
The Final Erection of the Crucifixion Tableau, by Fr. Michael Prieur STD
The Tolpuddle Martyrs and The Nature of Fame, by Geoffrey Anderson
A Photo Essay: Examples of Historical Geographic Marketing “London”, by Sandy McRae
The Family That Prays Together Stays Together, by A Feature Film of The Rosary Priest Father Patrick Peyton -Commemorating The 75th Anniversary of the Rosary Crusade, by Michelle Iurman
George Washington Busteed: Editor Of London’s Second Newspaper, by Dan Brock
Summer 2023
“Blessing Day”, the Final Chapter of the “Brescia Miracle Tableau”, by Fr. M. Prieur STD
The Poet Anne Wilkinson and Her Connections To London, by Geoff Anderson
Beechwood, by Glen Curnoe
One Block Streets in Wards 1 to 4, London, Ontario from 1852-1897 : A Brief Etymology of Street Names, by Arthur Mc Clelland
The Methodist New Connexion Church in London, by 1850-1874 : A Brief Outline, by Dan Brock
Fall 2023
The Wicklow-Wexford Irish of London Township, by Dan Brock
"The Christopher Lewis Cemetery", by Glen Curnoe and Catherine McEwen
Two Inspirational Books Written by Local Historians, by Dan Brock
A Tribute to Janet Lucia Hunten, by Arthur Mc Clelland
Richard B. Harrison Plaque, by Glen Curnoe